Number of Processor Members: Number of Training Sessions (min. 1 per year): Number of Consultancies (min. 1 per year):
[calculate_button "Calculate Membership Fee"]
Total membership fee: GH₵
Please make a bank transfer to the following account before supplying your membership details.
Account details for PGS- Ghana Account details:
Account name: Louis Bolk Institute Ghana- PGS
Account number: 9040008138014
Bank: Stanbic bank
Branch: Accra Mall, Accra
Please upload and attach proof of payment here:
[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next Step" ""]
Any processor of produce or input who wish to be part of PGS Ghana 500 cedis per year.
WhatsApp Number
Farm Name
Address Address Line 1 Address Line 1
Postal Code
[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"]Step 3
Please fill the questionnaire and include brief explanations were available.
Location (region/village, distance from next city, nearest land mark to your address)
Cultivated - Average Farm size / number of animals per animal/ number hives/number of ponds/Average mushroom bags etc
What do you produce? (and/or products if processing)
Are you already practicing or have knowledge about organic agriculture? If yes, describe which produce you are producing organically and which ones not (yet).
What does Organic mean to you?
Group(s) you belong
Why do you believe PGS is relevant in your context?
In what role do you see PGS in Ghana contributing to your business?
Is your production mainly for export or for the local market? Please specify which are the main buyers for your products and for the local market, where do they end-up being sold to the final consumer.
[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Step 3"]