Livestock Guidelines
DOWNLOAD ARTICLEThese are the basic requirements for organic livestock farming in Ghana.
1. Conversion and brought-in animals
Animals shall be raised organically from birth. Where organic livestock is not available, conventional animals may be brought in, according to the following maximum age limit:
- 2-days old chicks for meat production
- 18 week old hens for egg production
- 2 weeks old for any other poultry
- 8 weeks old or rabbits
- 3 months old piglets
- 3 months old calves
- 3 months for goats and sheep
Older animals may be brought in for breeding only.
Generally animal husbandry and individual animals
brought into a herd shall undergo a conversion period
according to the following:
2. Parallel production
Organic animal products and production shall be clearly and continuously separated from non-organic ones.
3. Animal management
Animals shall be kept in accordance with good animal husbandry practices. Animals shall have their living
conditions managed in a way that prevents abnormal
behaviour, injury and disease.
Housing conditions shall ensure sufficient lying and
resting areas for the animals. Clean regularly and give
sufficient space for free movement, according to natural
behaviour. Allow access to sufficient fresh air, water and
feed. Protect from direct sunlight, excessive noise, heat,
rain, mud and wind.
Other management requirements
Artificial insemination may be practised; however, do not use embryo transfer techniques and cloning for breeding. Do not mutilate animals, except for castration, ringing and dehorning (only of young animals).
4. Feeding
Animals shall be fed 100% organic feedstuff. Where
available organic feed is inadequate, the daily maximum
percentage of non-organic feed shall be 40%, calculated
on dry-matter basis.
Only use plant-based products, by-products from the food industry (e.g. molasses), and bacteria, fungi and enzymes as feed preservatives. Feed animals on vitamins, trace elements and supplements from natural sources. Only use synthetic vitamins, minerals and supplements where natural sources are lacking in quantity or quality.
Note: Some products are not allowed in animal feeds as
indicated in clause 7.5.3 of the EOSG.
Raise young stock from mammals on maternal milk or organic whole milk from their own species.
Use conventional
whole milk only
where organic
whole milk is not
available and milk
replacements only
in emergencies.
Wean animals at
an appropriate
5. Healthcare Practices
Treat sick animals promptly and adequately. As a first option, use phytotherapeutic and other alternative treatments where proven to be effective in curing sickness or healing an injury. Use synthetic veterinary drugs, antibiotics or synthetic pesticides only if preventative and alternative practices are unlikely to be effective in curing sickness or healing an injury.
Parasite and Disease Prevention shall be based on:
Use hormonal treatment only for therapeutic reasons and under veterinary supervision. Do not use synthetic growth promoters or substances for the purpose of stimulating production.
6. Transport and slaughter
Handling, including transport and slaughter, shall be carried out calmly and gently and involve the minimum of physical and mental strain or stress for the animal. Provide the animals with conditions that minimise stress and other adverse effects of;
• hunger and thirtst
• extreme temperatures
or relative humidity
• mixing different
groups, sexes, age
and health status
These are basic requirements for livestock, based on Ecological Organic Standard for Ghana (EOSG) which was adopted by the PSG Ghana community in Jan 2019.
More information about organic farming and the use of hormonal treatment only for therapeutic reasons and under practical application of these requirements can be obtained from;
PGS Ghana
Tel: +233 (0)26 904 8634