Aquaculture Standards
DOWNLOAD ARTICLEThese points will help you understand the ecological organic standards for aquaculture in Ghana.
1. Conversion period of production facilities
• Conversion will reflect the diversity of species and production methods
• Operator shall comply with all the relevant general requirements in the EOSG standard, chapters 4, 5 and 7.
• Conversion period of production
- Dugout ponds that cannot be drained and cleansed including their existing aquatic organisms – 36 months
- Dugout ponds that can be drained and cleaned including their existing aquatic organisms or have been fallowed – 12 months.
- Units that are absorbent but can be drained and cleansed from existing aquatic animals – No conversion period.
(Note) Facility shall be cleaned with organic cleaning agents as specified in EOSG Standard.
• Locate production of appropriate distance from contamination source of conventional aquaculture.
2. Aquatic Ecosystem
Manage aquatic ecosystems to comply with relevant requirements of chapter 5 of EOSG standard.
• Make adequate measures to prevent escape of introduced or cultivated species.
• Maintain verifiable and effective measures to minimize the release of nutrients and waste into the aquatic ecosystem.
• Fertilizers and pesticides are prohibited unless shown in Annex A1 & A2 of EOSG Standard.
3. Aquatic plants
Grow and harvest organic aquatic plants without adverse impacts on natural areas.
• Comply with relevant requirements of Chapter 5 and 6 of EOSG Standard.
• Harvest of aquatic plants shall not affect the ecosystem or degrade the collecting area.
4. Breeds and Breeding
• Raise aquatic animals from hatching. Where not available, conventional aquatic animals may be brought in according to the following maximum age limits;
– 8 weeks for fish (all types)
– 12 weeks for shrimps
– 12 weeks for mollusks
• No utilization of artificial polyploided organisms or artificially produced monosex stock.
• Use breeds and breeding techniques suited to the region and the production method.
5. Aquatic animal nutrition
• Feed organic feeds
Limit percentage of non-organic feed under specific conditions for a limited time is allowed if;
- Organic feed is of inadequate quantity or
quality - Areas where organic aquaculture is in early
stages of development.
• Non-organic aquatic animal protein and oil sources must be from independently verified sustainable sources.
• Dietary requirements still entail prohibition of prophylactic use of any synthetic allophathic veterinary drug and substances of synthetic origin used to stimulate production or suppress natural growth are prohibited.
• Use of water containing human excrement is prohibited.
6. Aquatic animal health and welfare
• Focus on balanced organic nutrition and stress-free living conditions appropriate for species and breed raised for resistance to disease, parasites and infection.
• Phrophylactic use of veterinary drugs is prohibited. Use natural methods and medicine as first choice when treatment is necessary. Use of chemical allophathic veterinary drugs and antibiotics are prohibited for inveterbrates.
• Synthetic hormones and growth promoters and inhibitors are prohibited for use to artificially stimulate growth or reproduction.
• Stocking, routine monitoring of water quality, stocking densities, health and behaviours of each cohort is important.
Note: comply with relevant requirements in clause 7.6 of EOSG Standard.
7. Aquatic animal transportation and slaughter
• Handle living organisms in ways that are compatible with their physiological requirements.
• Provide transportation and slaughter conditions that meet animal specific needs and minimize stress and adverse effect or;
- diminishing water quality
- time spent in transport
- stocking density
- toxic substances
- escape
Note: Comply with relevant requirements of clause 7.7 of EOSG Standard.
These are basic requirements for aquaculture, based on Ecological Organic Standard for Ghana (EOSG) which was adopted by the PSG Ghana community in Jan 2019.
More information about organic farming and the practical application of these requirements can be obtained from;
PGS Ghana
Tel: +233 (0)26 904 8634